The Evening Check-In allows you to share key information about your day, including how you’re feeling and any other important details like medications, periods, or "crashes."
A crash is a period when symptoms or fatigue increase, often after physical, mental, or emotional exertion. You may know it as a "flare-up!"
During the Evening Check-In, you’ll rate your symptoms on a severity scale of 0 to 3, and you can answer "yes" or "no" for medications, periods, or crashes. The data you submit here, combined with your Morning Check-In, helps calculate your next day's Morning Stability Score.
Tracking Trends Over Time
The information you enter over time is available in Trends, where you can see patterns and compare trends across days, weeks, or months. If you miss an evening check-in, no problem! You can go back to complete it for any previous day.
Adding Custom Trackers
You can personalize your Evening Check-Ins by adding custom symptoms or trackers. Simply go to Profile → Trackers to add new options or hide any that you don’t want to track daily. There’s also a space for you to add notes about your day, so you can include any additional context that might help in understanding your health trends.